The Dracaena family is an extremely popular houseplant, with many different varieties! Hawaiian Sunshine is a stunning variation of Dracaena, with shiny dark green leaves and a unique chartreuse green stripe down the center of each leaf. As Dracaena grows its stems become woody and treelike. Its 3 stalks give various tiered levels of foliage. An ideal plant for indoors the Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine can tolerate a range of temperatures and more shaded areas, great for offices and in your home. Although it can withstand different temperatures, do not place your Dracaena near drafty windows or air conditioners as a drastic dip in temperature can affect the leaves. The included white overpot means this tropical comes ready to be a centerpiece of your living space. Dracaena Golden Coast is native to Africa, Central America, and Asia.
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