Fitting Postsaver ground line sleeves to your posts you'll be saving yourself the cost of replacing your fence every few years. Postsaver ground line sleeves have been in production since 1994 and are used all over the world. They are independently tested and proven to dramatically extend the lifespan of wooden fence and gate posts with a 20 year guaranty. Ground-line rot, decay, fungi, and moisture are the number one contributor to wood post failures and are found within the first 6 to 8 of earth surrounding in-ground posts. Post saver fence post protector sleeves provide a locked-in air & moisture barrier and rot block protection for new wooden posts before installation. To apply, simply slide the sleeve over your post to 2 above the required burial depth and heat shrink in place using a heat source such as a soft flame blow torch, it takes less than a minute to apply. Once you've fitted Postsaver protection to your posts, install in the normal way, i.e. dig and back fill, concrete or power drive (even into stony ground).
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